Spinal Therapy
Spinal Therapy is very similar to Osteopathy it involves a combination of hands on techniques, aligning, adjusting, specific functional exercise prescription, Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and other electrotherapy modalities to apply controlled pressure, treatment, relief and freedom of movement, for back and neck pain.
get in Touch
01708 782 026
07702 809 505
Our opening times
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 7.30am-7pm
Tuesday 8am-7pm
Friday - CLOSED
Saturday 8-2pm (every other)
Sunday - CLOSED
587 Upper Brentwood Road Gidea Park, Essex RM2 6LH
Visit to the Hub is by appointment only. Please call our reception to book an appointment. Free Parking directly outside and wheelchair accessibility
What can spinal therapy help with?
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder restrictions
- Chronic headaches & migraines
- Muscle and joint conditions
- Workplace and driving injuries
- Pre and post operative knee and hip replacements
- Post-natal from vaginal birth or c-section
- General aches and pains related to age
What to expect during your first visit...
Consultation, assessment and spinal therapy treatment
60 Minutes
pre-payment required on all new patient appointments
consultation forms are sent online to fill prior to your appointment to save more time for hands-on assessment and treatment
follow up Spinal therapy treatment
30 Minutes
includes all modalities, KT tape, laser, neuromuscular electrical stimulation/ Does not include Medical Acupuncture
follow up spinal therapy treatment - extended
45 Minutes
includes all modalities, best option for chronic and multi-injuries
emergency NEW PATIENT appt
WITHIN 72 hours
Seen within 72 hours before or after shift or during lunch break where possible
includes treatment
60 Minutes
pre-payment required on all new patient appointments
consultation forms are sent online to fill prior to your appointment to save more time for hands-on assessment and treatment
Kind Words
We would ask you to call reception and ask to be booked in for a free 10 minutes consultation with one of our specialists. They will pick the relevant person from some of the keywords that you say. You will be given an allotted time and date (usually same day or the next working day) where one of our experts will go through the history of your symptoms, any previous medical history that may possibly be linked to this problem, what you have already done to help the area, who you potentially have already seen, then give our opinion as to whether we have experience in treating this condition/problem. We will go through roughly what we would look at if you were to come in and see is, and what to expect from us. If the expert you are on the phone to feels another member of the team is better suited you will be advised, should you wish to book the relevant person to book in with.